Friday, 15 July 2011

Coffee, Cycling and Mobile Technology

It’s all part of a lifestyle shift, there are currently three trends in particular: coffee, cycling and mobile technology.” Jeffrey Young, analyst at Allegra Strategies.

And there I was thinking I was special. I came across this quote recently, in a article I was reading on my iPhone, not long before I went out for a ride.

Of the people I know who ride bikes, a significant proportion exhibit an above average appreciation of coffee (sometimes known as an obsession) and many own some form of mobile device. It seems like coffee and cycling were made for each other. Take Michael Albasini, for example. The Swiss professional cyclist rides for a team sponsored by a mobile device manufacturer and likes nothing more than “playing with my coffee machine to make the perfect cappuccino or espresso” according to his profile on his bike sponsor’s website. Matt Seaton, author of three books on cycling writes of the “mysterious affinity between cafes, coffee and cycling". Olympic hero Chris Hoy set up his coffee machine and grinder (a Rocket Espresso Giotto Premium Plus machine with a Mazzer Mini grinder, if I’m not mistaken) in his hotel room during February’s Track World Cup event. There’s even a photo of Sir Chris looking very pleased with himself and the machine.

There seem to be a lot of people out there like me. It’s partly the reason that I began this blog. If you’re reading this on your iPhone, HTC or whatever, sipping an espresso, thinking about riding your bike later, you are not alone.